Tuesday, 5 March 2013

New generation No 2

Its a road that seems to represent a hill in Time,
Steep Drop Highway without the Difficult Climb,
And Now the Dust Kicks Into Bitter Sunshine,
Holding Back Lyrical Emotions, Divided By an Almost Morbid Guideline.
You Know, I Can’t Remember Where I Was Before We Met?
Living For Small Moments of Clarity and Occasional Begging For Respect,
Like the Tree that grew from a burnt out seed, Or The Rose in Winter Trying To breath.
Every Moving Picture along the following months has been of you smiling,
Trying hard to stumble so I don’t miss any glimpse of your heart before it started dividing.
I've Camped 3 days and now the road seems to be wider,
I’m losing the comfort of the warmth I felt lying beside her.
And like my heart I decide to keep from breaking,
Give anything to stop this fragile soul for the future I have to start making.
And It’s a bitch trying to save,
From losing your grip and carving that stone over your grave
Edward Ramsden

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