Thursday, 21 March 2013

Midnight madness

Shes lifes greatest secret,
Magic like we once dreamed of in books.
A freind like the one we always wanted growing up.
Shes the missing particle that completes our understanding of the universe.
Shes the most beauful word in any written language,
Understood by a few, but admired by all others.
Shes the pattern behind every beautiful compilation of pixels on a screen.
Shes the first song I hear and the last words to drift inti my head before I rest.
Shes a small moment between the wind and the rain.
When nature leaves you alone for a breif moment as if to say
"Hey, its ok for now. Just enjoy this chance of weightlessness"
Then plunges you back into streams of water that makes you feel alive.
If only for the moment.
Shes the rainbows end, A beautiful image
 just out of arms reach until she can dissapear
Reforming elsewhere to remove the sadness of others.
Shes lifes greatest secret and the world may not love her as well as it should,
Yet in a small part of the universe, on a rock that wont stop spinning,
Someone will always love her, maybe not in the way that he can ever admit.
But in a way that makes sure she is always loved and thought of.
Even if she never knows it.
Edward Ramsden
Midnight madness, Years go


Why cant i find my reason to run,
Why must i take part in this endless chase
Theres no finish line, just a differant stopping point for every person
Can i run a but further than you.
you stopped a few feet ago
and i'm not allowed to go back.
Why couldnt we have stopped together
and take on what lies beyond.
I hear its really nice to share with someone
the moment when your both ready to stop running
I know now that id never have to tell you the truth
That for me, stopping in the same place as someone as awesome as you
Is as scary as any nightmare, is more hopless that the sad mans dreams,
Is as unnatural to this world as all of the worldsd hate combined
I will never see the gardens with sun lit rose petals,
Ill never see the smile on your face when you reach real happiness.
Ill only see something I could never be,
Yet everyday I wish i could be.
The cause of your smile and never of your frown.
Edward Ramsden
"Its there written in the playground,
Loves kiss, hate or ignore"

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Was it worth it?

Will 4 Months Be The Penultimate Final Stop?
Will every Repeat Read The Same?
Thanks And Goodbye, No Its Not Your Fault,
It’s Me Cant U see I’m Not Yours,
So Ill Walk Away so you can Joke,
And I Wont Be offended By Your Ridicule,
Save me The Tears, Force me The Fears
And Now I’m All Alone In silence,
Hearing Your Words Over And Over…
It’s Over, No More, The End.
Where Did All Decency Go,
Have No one The Compassion For A Viking Funeral,
The last Salute To The Unknown Soldier.
Ill Write Your Number Down And Hide It,
Delete Your Messages On My Phone And Keep The Ones in My head,
And Ill Accept Your Decision Because I Care.
But Inside Its Just Another Reason To Stop…
Edward Ramsden
For Robyn Fawthrope
Who stole my heart. 


Stars Shining in the Sky of Night
Old Sun Waxes No More On Fair Grass
That in the Winter Scored
From Green To Gold
The Leaves Transform Into Shadowed Memories Of Old
That from the Dawning Winter Pass
Will Bring New Life To Old Wounds
That in The night Glimmer With The Shape Of Seasons To Come.
Never More Seek To heal such wounds
I Speak Of Love Once More
Or Should Thou Say Pain Once More
For is only through Pain That We Make Sense Of Love
And Make Merry Of Its Joy
Only Do We So With The Sword
Of Pass Do we turn To Watch The Torrid River Run
And In Sky Once More We Watch Upon The Stars
And In Our Minds…We Dream Of Forgotten Past
To Sun Caress the Land And Destroy All Dreams Within
And Reality Faces The Last Stand Of Joy

Never To Be returned….

Edward Ramsden
An attempts at nonscence poetry, Edward Lear inspired.

No Suprise

How could the world I’ve cherished so much,
Be ten feet underground,
I’m cold and alone with not so much as a smile,
No ones here to be found,
I stand alone on the edge of compassion,
In winds that don’t exist,
Staring at a grave so vast, that it steals your breath,
As it sparkles in the dusty mist,
Yesterday’s papers are the same as today,
Just nothing that you can do,
Except watch as they rot in the gutter of life,
Its heartbreaking I know but its true.
So we keep on looking for a world that isn’t there,
Hopeing for a sign of god
But this is the edge of compassion my friend,
And there’s nothing there….How Odd?

Edward Ramsden
Like so many, sad at the state of the world.
This was my secret statement.


There’s no smirk on your face,
I can see your lament,
I hear voices that mock,
No time to repent.
Iv said im rueful, cant you see.
There’s just nothing left for you and me,
Im walking a boulevard that has No End,
Iv Lost My way And Am Scared to Death.
The Crying is Over And Realisation hits home,
Were walking our own paths, were Really Alone.
But ill still hold your hand, when the night is cold,
If u need someone hug, im quite Good im Told.
I Do Love you I promise.
Its Just Too Dark To See,
That Loves A Lie, Our Dreams Are Broken,
And You’re Just To Good For Me.
Edward Ramsden
Guess what this one is about. I used letters instead of words at this point in my poetry.
For example."If u need someone to hug"

A Reason

I’m 21 For Fucks Sake,
I don’t know what to be,
I’m Just wandering the country looking for an answer,
knowing it wont come to me,
People Say Don’t Worry,
You Create Your Soul Over Time,
Just Relax and watch The Clouds Go By
And Everything Will Be Fine.
The Clouds are all the same now,
 I recognise every one,
I Can tell you The Meaning Of Life For Sure,
But Not Where It Begun.
I Can Sooth Aching Muscles
And Make Other People Laugh,
I’m Not A Comedian, I have To Many Flaws
But wouldn’t stop if given the chance.
Iv tried the drugs and swallowed the following hours
From drop to line to toke,
From Everyday Spent With perfect company
Still Laughing at the same old jokes.
Nothings the same, I wish I could stop,
This line is so god damb long,
I just hope that one day some will give me name.
And a reason to hang on.

Edward Ramsden
 Another failed attempt and life and love

3 Am

The Voices Dont Help,
 They make things worse,
 this martini im drinking,
 is no longer a savour, but a curse,
 the lights are low and im barley visable,
 looking for something to make me feel incredable,
 find printed type, black then white,
 sometimes this addictive habit keeps me awake all night,
 this girl im thinking off couldnt be further away,
 in mind not body, yet neither memory or thought will stay,
 cant help but feel rythem in the screen light,
 keep dancing where no one can see, hoping that it feels right,
 lost in my own direction, trying to get my head together,
 cant make up my mind about how i am and or if or never,
Edward Ramsden
Wrote this at 3am one sad night.

One Way

A one-way battle of epic proportions,
Like the lonely performer, lost in contortion,
We break and scuffle, to please humankind,
But bring to a standstill what we left behind,
 We walk forward but cant recall,
What was once is now no more,
So if I give you a reason to hang on,
Then please stay, I wont be long.

Edward (Shoes) Ramsden

I Like This But Not The Ending

Happy Halesworth Poem

The trouble-free Incandescent Glow Of The Sun,
Alluringly Blinds Me In The Summers Heat.
The River Echoes In The Background of my mind,
Making Me Aware Of The Simple Beauty Of Life.
something innate That holds So Much Mystery.
The breeze Is Soft and tender On Fresh Face,
And For The moment I Forget It Even Exists.
Friends Talks Around Me And Play Fight On The Velvet Grass,
Every One Of Them Has A Story To Tell And A Song To Sing.
Time Has Stopped In Its Tracks And I Regret Nothing.
All I Feel Is Appreciation For Everything,
For The Season,
For The Company,
For the open minds that Keep Me Feeling Alive.
Relaxed, I bathe in the warmth of Polaris And Diana,
I take one More Glance At The content and educated,
And with a Final Breath I Fall Back Into My Mind.
Forever Grateful To The World That Received So Little,
And Gave So Much…

Edward Ramsden

Wrote this lying on the grass in the park in Halesworth.
Surrounded by amazing people who were amazing freinds
This poem makes me miss them a lot.

Monday, 18 March 2013


How Can i have nothing to say,
when the lights envoke emotion,
when stars seem to Scream to speak no inhibitions,
and the wind whispers soft insanity.
should i push the social boundries to move the walls of progress
i leave a few a moments to catch my breath, and wonder why im blank
iv spent years devising a perfect plan and making the world seem nicer,
laid under the moon and closed eyes till slumber,
but it all seems usless now.
one txt could settle an ancient score and even change whats to be,
or do i sit here alone with the world on my back, just wondering whats wrong with me.
Edward Ramsden
Wrote this a long time ago, about someone amazing who helped me find my way in life without ever knowing.


She’s stirring to the thrashing, Of a Very divergent Drum,
She’s Sitting On The perspective, Wondering When the Dawn Will Come,
She welcomes and absconds, but in the Silence Sheds a Tear,
So much potential she cannot fail, No Minute to spend on fear
Escaping to Her dream terrain that changes every year.
A few would label her Siren, splendor beyond credence,
But those who know the Truth keep a powerful Defense.
She is in word a flower, one that you wouldn’t overlook,
Building this world that little bit nicer, as we get hastily overtook.
I wouldn’t say she’s perfect, as that removes the feeling of progress,
But she’s fuel for the soul, and she’ll Stop and revive your breath.

Edward Ramsden
I wrote this about a girl called Dawn.
She was amazing.
I Called it __________ Because I didnt want people to know who it was written for.
I Often write poems about and for people but never give them away.

The Long Road home

Iv Walked For many Years In Self Pity And Despair
The Light from Polaris Shines Bright To Me,
But Seems To Lead Me Nowhere,
The Ground I walk Looks Dark As I regress,
To The Past That Seems To Me No Less,
Than Memories of the Ones I Have Left,
The Sand Moves In the Wind and the Shadows Whisper,
Calling Her Name As I Move Nearer,
A Light Comes From the North and a Smile Crosses My Face,
Maybe the Reason I Was Pursuing the Light,
Was It in Fact The Love Of Her Grace?
Caution Is Swept Away Like the Weed In The Sea
The Answers To the questions come Quickly, But Still Seem Dark To Me
I Stop And wait A Second More,
So That I Do Not Break My Stride,
And Hopefully All the Pain She Felt Would evaporate inside,
er Shadow Is Not Constant and I Will Not Step the Mark
The Boundaries That Will Certainly Wound and Even Break a Heart,
I Stand Away and Still I Hold Her,
So Physical To Touch,
That Soul’s Reliant on the Comforting Embrace
I Wouldn’t Miss That Much,
For what we Share Is So Much More
That The Lovers Guiding Will,
Our Embrace Is So Delicate and Elegant,
That Time Itself Stands Still,
Now My Cape Covers Her,
To Shelters Her from the Storm
As We Sleep To Dream of Dreams Again,
And Be Together Once More.
Edward Ramsen

Another story of unrequited love.
A common theme in my poetry.
 Maybe one day someone will suprise me and tell me they secretly love me.
Then maybe I can write a poem about that instead.
I've heard it does happen to some people.
 Just not me.

Natalie Johnson 2nd Final Draft

She’s snow in summer,
A welcome Surprise,
She’s the midnight Rain,
When forlorn stars hide,
She’s the aroma of the forest,
When oak trees bloom,
She’s a cottage in the country side,
A Home with a View.
She’s soft grass in the summer,
Where Daffodils Dance,
She’s moment of pleasure,
That lasts and lasts.
She’s A Rose in winter,
Too stunning for words.
She’s the whisper before bedtime,

That’s rarely heard.
Edward Ramsden
This is my second version.
I liked this one better but other people disagree.

Natalie Johnson

She’s snow in summer,
A welcome Surprise,
She’s the midnight Rain,
When forlorn stars hide,
She’s the aroma of the forest,
When oak trees bloom,
She’s a cottage in the country side,
A Home with a View.
She’s A Rose in winter,
Too stunning for words.
She’s the whisper before bedtime,
That’s rarely heard.
Edward Ramsden
This is really how I felt about her every day.
I dont think she ever read it.


Her Poison Kiss seduces me And I Kneel to Prey,
Upon The Cold ground Where I Cry for her Name,
In Smiling I Make A Wall of Pain that is unbreakable To Her Eyes,
Her Piercing Shrieks Curse My Veins And Make Me Bleed Inside,
A Lock Of her Hair Is Kept Close To me And Breath Her In As Much As I Can
Before I Fall And Die in The Mud Which Makes Me A Bed For Deaths hand,
Sinking Down In Her Tormenting Scent That Stabs My Sinuses Like A Sharp Blade,
And wallow In The Mess That Over The Months Of Mistakes I Have Made,.
Lying That I Have No Regrets when In My Mind There Is A Million And One,
Hoping Every Sad Mistake Will Be erased By a happy One
But Still Her Image Is Like A Clear Windows That Fogs On A Sunny Day,
And Still I Wait For The Light Of The Evening Star To Wane The Sun Away,
And Through The Window Of The Soul Lies Raquia,
Where The Land Exists For The Spirits, The Gods, Me And Of Course her…

Edward Martin Ramsden

I dated a beautiful gothic model called Clem.
I dont think she knew how to be happy.
She put herself outside society so much, I just wanted her to find a place of her own

This poem was and is for her.
She never read it.